Comment 52265

By 2bhonest (registered) | Posted November 26, 2010 at 14:57:49

Bobinnes said "...Canadians must tighten belts, avoid debt, increase savings, become more entrepreneurial which means we must make serious changes to school er brainwashing system. Etc. Etc...." I agree! The education system is failing us all. Hardly changed focus in 50 years. Too many kids traipsing to university for 4 years, coming out with horrendous debt and no job prospects, so then to college for 2 years for a trade diploma. It's all backwards and mostly propelled by image rather than career prospects. Self employment could save us. Finding start-up money is the barrier for a lot of talented people, (those of us who are not in the same league as high-tech, million dollar businesses, but just want to make a decent income). In return, profits would be spent locally, therefore boosting the local economy. When we shop at big outlet stores we continuously support foreign manufacturing and none of the corporate profits stay in Hamilton. Can Hamilton embrace small business? Are there any Hamilton 'Angels' that are willing to invest and mentor local talent? Can landlords get empty stores 'open' maybe on a low rent until profitable? We have a Food market. How about a Antique market, Flea market, Craft market....International cities such as Paris and London thrive on these sort of anti-establishment retail outlets, plus they attract visitors and provide local pride.

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