Comment 52244

By Michelle Martin (registered) - website | Posted November 26, 2010 at 09:17:04

The other thing that has changed is that employers now expect job applicants to arrive with all of this additional training under their belt, as well as very specific kinds of working experience, besides a degree or diploma. Used to be that employers would provide and pay for specific types of training once they hired a person. What I see now is employers looking for a specialized degree or diploma, plus various additional certifications, all for positions that pay, say, 25 - 35,000 a year. Not great if you've got rent to pay and student debt to manage, never mind your car or transit pass as well as whatever wardrobe you are expected to wear (even a job as low on the totem pole as retail clothing sales will often require that you wear clothes from that store, and the employee discount usually isn't that great). No wonder there are so many young adults living at home.

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