Comment 52238

By Undustrial (registered) - website | Posted November 26, 2010 at 01:09:48

When it comes to twisty, windy, suburban streets, the problem is that they aren't designed to slow traffic. The standard for suburban streets is being able to cruise comfortably at 50km/h. They're designed to cut through traffic and minimize users. What you end up with when streets are designed this way is clusters (ie Stonechurch to Rymal and Upper Wellington to Wentworth) with nothing but a few local cars travelling at high speed, and overused arteries (Upper Wentworth or Stonechurch) around them.

Suburban streets give the illusion of safety with low traffic flows, especially at off-peak hours (which are easy to see, since they're so homogeneous). But don't actually do much that's been shown to seriously reduce speeds, and because they necessitate much longer walks and/or drives, they don't actually make things safer at all.

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