Comment 52226

By LoveIt (anonymous) | Posted November 25, 2010 at 14:56:04

Absolutely agree, it takes time. And the owners do their work here in Ward 2. It seems like Main and King st are behind, but that's probably how it works. First comes customer base, then businesses evaluate it and make their business decisions/adjustments how much of their services/products can be absorbed and can they be profitable. But downtown is downtown and will adjust. You can build cheap condos from heritage buildings, but see who will live there in a few years. Gladstone hotel in Toronto on Queen st story a living proof of this. Cheap rental turns into boutique hotel with big screen tv's. I wondered for a few years, why that part of Parkdale was in poor condition a few years ago. And here it goes - massive new development, new boutiques, cafe's. This once blooming area was artificially made rough with cheap development. But the perfect location made it adjusted back.
Now I wonder how long industrial development will last on the waterfront here ...

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