Comment 52212

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted November 25, 2010 at 10:05:14

I have discussed an actual compromise. 1. No aerotropolis spending. 2. No stadium spending. 3. Transit spending in a phased approach, putting LRT where we know it will work, and where it's sure success will spawn future expansion as necessary.

I can't believe there is such a huge amount of word spillage over "wasting money on LRT" - which is spending that could actually go a long way to helping transform hamilton, and at the same time silence on the aerotropolis and stadium threads - two projects which combined will cost more than full B line LRT but will bring us net zero development income.

Anyway, to me, a compromise means Mac to Wentworth (b line) plus a short line from st joe's to the water which runs on james and john in a loop.

This will give great access to the densest parts of the city as well as relieving the pressure from the most heavily used bus route that we have now.

Wentworth to eastgate can be separated BRT on a right of way upon which we could lay rails when we need them.

I don't think upper hamilton is dense enough to justify higher order transit, but we might want to put something up to mohawk in order to create an incentive for intensification along the line.

Comment edited by seancb on 2010-11-25 09:06:28

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