Comment 52211

By Andrea (registered) | Posted November 25, 2010 at 10:05:07

@ Meredith. Thanks for expanding on my earlier point and articulating it so much better than me. I can only speak to my neighbourhood (and I live in Ward 3)but I find that the houses in the most disrepair are definitely rentals. Mr. Janitor mentioned that many of his neighbours were not able to afford their home improvements, but I am also speaking to general lack of maintenance. A new roof/windows is a big expense regardless of where you live in the city; but is the lawn cut? Is the garbage put out regularly? Are the garbage and recycle bins put away or left on the front porch? Is the snow shovelled? Has the porch ever seen a coat of paint? Is the fence in good repair? From what I have observed the questions I posed are more than likely taken care of by a homeowner and less likely to be addressed by landlords with tenants moving in and out every 8-9 months. Living in the central city is a lifestyle choice. A home that is 50- 100 years old is never going to look like a house built 0-20 years ago in suburbia - but those houses are going to age as well, so is the solution to continue to abandon and give up on older neighbourhoods and perpetually build out? (rhetorical question).

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