Comment 52188

By Meredith (registered) - website | Posted November 24, 2010 at 23:17:17

I don't see homeowners as the problem so much as landlords in general. (edit: not that all landlords are bad ones, or that all homeowners are great. i'm just pointing to an area like West Avenue North I walked up today where you have lovely properties being maintained by their elderly owners [whom I saw cleaning, fixing windows, and chatting with neighbours], and then stretches of poorly maintained places with "Ferr Rent" signs)

If only homeowners can make upgrades, that will likely just mean more landlords can upgrade and illegally rent out their properties as a 4-unit place, and charge more per unit.

How about 5% downpayment grants to families who pay $900/month to rent houses, to buy their own house with a $550/month mortgage payment? Work it into a mortgage-plus-improvements scenario in total for the necessary upgrades?

I'm guessing that would probably be a lot more helpful, especially for people who have been renting the same place for a long time and can't scrape together a down payment, or aren't able to qualify even though they have a long rental history.

There's a lot of houses that rent for that price (plus utilities!) -- if people could actually own their place, have funds and incentive for improvments, help on actually doing it - I'm sure that would do a lot more good, especially for families who have an interest in their neighbourhoods improving for their childrens' sakes.

Comment edited by Meredith on 2010-11-24 22:22:16

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