Comment 52135

By Changeinstripes (anonymous) | Posted November 24, 2010 at 12:30:20

Maybe the root of the issue is evident in the name of the city department, "Traffic Department". Their name says it all, they are focused on traffic and in Hamilton that means CARS. There is no such thing as pedestrian traffic in their current mind set.

May I be so bold as to suggest the first thing we need to do is change the name of the "Traffic Department" to something more all encompassing, like the "Mobility Department" (lame I know, but there has to be other options).

Then we need to start working on a change in culture in the department, so we don't have to continually fighting for what is clearly needed in the neighbourhoods. The department has to understand that we make our lives in our neighbourhoods and know better than anyone else what does, can and will make them great.

Here's another fight with the Traffic Department from a few years ago;

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