Comment 52127

By (anonymous) | Posted November 24, 2010 at 12:13:00

RE:Ryan Macgreal's article in the Spec.10/24/10.Light Rail Delivers.
To see a similar picture of Main Street here, as the one from Dublin, it would take a hundred years to achieve, if ever. What all these proponents fail to take into account is the fact that here in Hamilton we are squeezed between the Escarpment and the Bay. Also the City does not start at Eastgate Square and it does not end at McMaster. So why was it chosen only such a short span? So the L.R.T. main objective is not to move people from point A to point B, then if it is not for transportation is it just for exhibition? Somehow it just does not make sense. All these comparisons with other cities does not apply here, because of our limitations for expansion either north or south. Also, we prefer to live in a house, with backyard, where we can have a garden not in an apartment with only the 4 walls to look at. So to spend all those billions on a pipe dream would be insane.

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