Comment 52062

By Robert D (anonymous) | Posted November 23, 2010 at 12:15:58

Ryan, I'll take your point about suburbs built during the first world war being perfectly livable, and indeed enjoyable for many people.

However I think you'd be hard pressed to find a developer intersted in new builds like that, mainly becuase of the perception (probably accurate) that most homeowners want larger "executive" lots with big houses.

If we have to compromise with the developers we might look at perhaps the post WW2 homes, like my North Mountain example (between Upper Wellington and Upper Wentworth, between Fennell and Concession), which have small lots, and yet most manage to have a driveway/carport, and some manage a garage tucked in behind the house.

If only everyone was satisfied with "basic luxuries", we wouldn't need 4 bedroom houses with 4.5 bathrooms and 2 car garages for 3 people to live in (none of the 3 cars are actually parked in the garage of course, because it's full of junk.)

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