Comment 52040

By Robert D (anonymous) | Posted November 23, 2010 at 09:16:15

Thank you for this amazing article! People never seem to understand when you explain to them that suburban build/design plan is unsustainably expensive. Hopefully these numbers will enlighten them.

Add to that the fact that suburban neighbourhoods are often designed in such a way that they are not transit friendly (winding crescents, and roundabouts, where bus routes are difficult to accomodate and plan), and are not pedestrian friendly (lack of sidewalks generally plus those same winding roads mean you have to walk sometimes twice as far to get to the nearest intersection as opposed to neighbourhoods built on the grid system).

It seems to me that if we're going to continue building suburbs we have to get away from these 70s and 80s style suburbs, and go back to designing our suburbs the way they did just after the war. Look at the north end of the mountain if you want to see what I mean - grid system, reasonable houses, driveways, small lots, not much different than the Kenmore example up above. It's the only way that suburban living comes close to being sustainable in the long run, in my humble opinion.

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