Comment 51859

By Mr. Meister (anonymous) | Posted November 18, 2010 at 13:36:21

Despite all of the moaning and complaining on this site and everywhere else in North America we have the lowest gas prices in the world. In Europe for example gas is running twice what ours is. Not only that but the other costs of vehicle ownership is also much higher. License plates are more expensive and are tied to the size of the engine, or the horsepower.

What I find most telling about all this is that car ownership is steadily rising in Europe. Their cars may be smaller and more fuel efficient than the average here but despite the higher costs more and more people are deciding to spend so much on private transportation. They have a less need of a car with better transit and typically shorter commutes and denser cities and yet car ownership is steadily rising.

I bet gas will go a lot higher before it makes a significant impact on ownership rates here in North America.

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