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By jason (registered) | Posted February 06, 2007 at 15:53:45
a couple quick points:
a) "downtown does not currently offer anything either in value or selection that you cannot get elsewhere in the city".
A typical week for me as a downtown dweller usually involves some or all of the following: - groceries at the market - time at the waterfront parks - shops, galleries and endless cappuccino's on James North - monthly, my wife and I have a date at a new bistro, restaurant, jazz venue etc.....
None of the above, plus all the other ethnic eateries, entertainment options, summertime patios (real patios in Hess, not a patio stuck in a huge parking lot in the meadowlands) etc.... can be found anywhere other than downtown.
b) Anytime we've taken our car anywhere downtown we've never had to park further away from our destination than the average Limeridge Mall visitor would in that vast parking lot. When special events or festivals are going on downtown and we know it's busier than normal we walk out our front door, across the street and catch the #8 York bus. Less than 5 minutes later we are at the Market or Gore or James Street etc.....
Hamilton needs to continue to enhance the living experience for those who live downtown. That will draw new residents, shops, services etc....and eventually will also draw 'tourists' from other parts of the city. I regularly hear of Hamiltonians driving to Toronto or Buffalo to 'vibrant' neighbourhoods for the day or evening. Paying much more for parking, walking a lot further etc.... it's not a deterrant at all when the downtown area is full of life and something for everyone. Hamilton is slowly getting there. More parking lots and one-way freeways will set us back 10 years. That would be a death spell at a time when things are visibly moving forward.
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