Comment 51623

By Undustrial (registered) - website | Posted November 16, 2010 at 10:05:00

Spending half a billion dollars (at least) to create a suburban office park on the very edge of town is sprawl, one way or the other. Even if we did not have enough serviced, shovel-ready land in the City (which we do) is a little irrelevant when it now seems like we may not even have a Stelco next year.

We drop taxes on vacant properties in the city, do absolutely nothing to chase property/business owner's who stick taxpayers with millions in toxic remediation costs, and then we're going to spend hundreds of millions on a suburban business park? What other outcome would these policies drive?

For the record, though (no pun intended), as someone who's now mastering the art of the "shortcut to Waterloo" (the Cambridge/Kitchener highways are a mess, and the airport route isn't), they certainly aren't free of industrial or residential sprawl either. In a fair fight over which city would be a better case for LRT, I'm not sure that Hamilton would lose. Not that it should be a competition.

Oh, and Turbo, you're trolling.

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