Comment 51574

By JMorse (registered) | Posted November 15, 2010 at 19:54:07


You should understand the point is about reducing the chance of fatalities, not collisions. You see, people want to use their sidewalks and crossings for walking and other things in addition to driving cars. If they are using their streets as desired and in a safe manner, they'd rather not be killed if a car accidentally hits them.

I'd like to write a lengthy post about how I grew up in the Beaches, but I'll keep it short. It was a wonderful place to grow up because my friends and I could go off on our own when we were very young. We moved freely through the streets, even major ones. I was hit by a car once, and broke my leg. Most likely because of the speed limits and layout of the neighborhood, I wasn't killed. I've never heard of anyone wishing the speed limits or streets were changed to allow faster driving speeds, why would they?

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