Comment 51276

By Undustrial (registered) - website | Posted November 08, 2010 at 20:19:21

lots of stuff that you think you can recycle is not actually recyclable, and there are warehouses full of plastic that no one can find a use for.

I had a friend who ended up in management at a plant like that. As he put it, plastics, industrially, are really heavily regulated - until you slap "recycling" into the name - then everything is legal. That's how you get operations like Plastimet - it's just speculating on enormous volumes of plastics. Horrifying stuff.

As for Caine, a Buddhist monk's traditional belongings were largely limited to robes and a bowl for eating and begging. Now, I can't specifically remember if he was a Buddhist (Shaolin is Buddhist, Wu-Tang is Taoist, etc), but either way, he wouldn't likely have much more. And either way, it's pretty cool. Not only did a surprising amount of that stuff actually happen (monks fighting the government, pirates, etc), but even today, the Wu-Tang temple accepts students from around the world and plants hundreds of thousands of trees.

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