Comment 51242

By Undustrial (registered) - website | Posted November 07, 2010 at 10:24:54

Re-use, re-purpose, re-think, re-imagine.

Nothing blows me away quite like the vast gap between the price/quality of parts and raw materials I can find new, as opposed to the abundant, free, high-quality "garbage" carted away daily. A single old main roof joist from a (carefully) demolished barn averages about a thousand dollars worth of "reclaimed lumber". I was once told that much of the restortion work at Tailgate Charlies (69 John St. S.) was paid for the same way.

Started writing a zine/pamphlet on this years back. I've since had to shelve it because it became a book (sitting at around 100 pages now), and is threatening to become an encyclopaedia. Ever tried to sit down and figure out what to do with old dirt? Wood? Foam? There are hundreds, if not thousands of options - all of which explode in our faces as soon as we start thinking. There are so many options beyond burning, burying or carting away.

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