Comment 51092

By slodrive (registered) | Posted November 03, 2010 at 13:27:21

I struggle to see how Merulla's motion isn't a motion to sweep problems under the rug and deal with them 'later'. I would also be interested to see if Sam paid for his house in cash, all up front. To me, the can-we-afford-not-to seems stronger than the can-we-afford-to. Does he forsee another opportunity in the next 10 to 15 years where $115m of public money will be on the table? Money that can be used to showcase Hamilton as a visually appealing and city-on-the-rebound centre? Or, are we comfortable with passing up opportunities to sink more money into outdated dilapidated structures that will only need to be addressed again at the next election.

This is a bigger city marketing initiative than people are giving credit. Based on some of the numbers being shilled by the previous city administration, this city is doing pretty well despite the economic downturn of the past few years. Could it not be extrapolated that bluer skies lie ahead? Would one not think that an investment in our city's stadium, at this time, be a wise investment given the timing and money available?

Build the best sidewalks in the industrial world. Light them and even heat them if you want. They won't have 850,000 people looking at them for 3 hours 10 times a year.

Comment edited by slodrive on 2010-11-03 12:29:21

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