Comment 51065

By Michelle Martin (registered) - website | Posted November 03, 2010 at 07:59:00

How exactly is a stadium going to change this? It's such a fantastical leap I don't even know where to begin. Sure, there's low-paying service sector jobs, but is that really the kind of employment we want to be nurturing?

My questions, too. It's all well and good to say we want to keep the 25-31 demographic, but what do we want to retain them with? Lots of places to spend a bit of cash here, a bit of cash there, for their own amusement? Are we aiming for a city with a shiny new core and an underclass of service sector employees who live in less desirable parts of town?

Will a new stadium help make Hamilton the best place to raise children (the 25-31 year-olds of the future)? I'm afraid I agree with Merullaon this one.

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