Comment 50971

By Shempatolla (registered) - website | Posted October 31, 2010 at 13:09:28

Turbo your suggestion that the city is sucking the suburbs dry is a fallacy. If you took a typical suburban home and plunked it down in the city the taxes on that home would likely triple. Under area rating homes in the city pay a vastly higher percentage based on the size of their lot/home than those in the suburbs. The move to area rating was done to placate suburban fears that amalgamation would be unfair. It was. To the people who live in the city. In one of your previous posts you suggested snow plowing etc was done by the former towns on budget and with no subsidy from the city. Again you are mistaken. With the exception of the towns proper, the outlying areas are regional roads and were plowed by Hamilton/Wentworth Regional trucks or contracted trucks. Thus money from the city was going towards that cost.

This fallacy that the suburbs are somehow paying the frieght for amalgamation needs to be put to rest.

Comment edited by Shempatolla on 2010-10-31 12:10:17

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