Comment 50951

By MAB (registered) | Posted October 30, 2010 at 20:51:43

First and foremost. The advertisment for this meeting, did not give real specifics what it entailed. I envisioned a display of information, particuarily when it was scheduled from what 11 - 9 p.m. In that forum a display of what Google Earth, Cello GPS looked like.. to inform people of the possiblilties of the technology avail to them on the internet to find information, to correlate information to better understand the elections.

When I entered the circle, it took me a minute or two to be brought up too snuff what you all were talking about. The essence of the conversation had nothing to do with why I was there. Having a keen interest in our Hamilton, I engaged politely in such a conversation.

Bottom line.. I am a Hamiltonian... through and through..I was raised as a daughter of the Hammer. I came there to learn. I was dissappointed but not discourgaged.

Comment edited by MAB on 2010-10-30 20:04:47

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