Comment 50939

By JoeyColeman (registered) - website | Posted October 30, 2010 at 17:26:57

The meeting went very well. I did make the mistake of putting too much time on the Facebook event.

In terms of progress, we made plenty. There are more people involved in the push to have Open Government, Open Data in Hamilton.

While this comment is anonymous, I can infer from the statement "after he was rudely cut off" and the late arrival that the disconnect here is that you felt this meeting was a forum to bring up your theories about the electoral counting at City Hall.

When some of your statements about a conspiracy among the incumbents were proven wrong, you became frustrated with the discussion.

Every effort was made to find a method of involving you, but you choose not to discuss the topic at hand.

Having different goals than you does not make a group of people "elitist."

Here's the link you referred to, it's a good read for sure: Ontario Municipalities On Open Government: “Ah, yes, the thing about that is...”

Comment edited by JoeyColeman on 2010-10-30 16:28:14

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