Comment 50903

By RichardDenOtter (registered) - website | Posted October 29, 2010 at 21:48:49

I'm considered a "well-off" resident of ward 2. I own a condo and run a small business here. I do not have a car and use public transit for transportation. I find it amazingly convenient, and on an odd occasion I use a cab a carshare coop or rent a truck, which is expensive but still much, much cheaper than buying a car and paying for insurance, maintenance, fuel etc.

I think we should use $500 million LRT money to encourage car-share rentals and increasing bus ridership, not only inside the city but also withing GTA and between GTA and K-W regions (i.e. encourage $9.50 public GO transit instead of $33.50 commercial Coach Canada/GreyHound to go to Kitchener-Waterloo region).

My point is that Ward 2 (and other "poor people's" wards) do not just represent low-income people, and it's not just the "poor" that use public transit. Public transit makes economic sense, and also has positive effect on community development, commerce and environment.

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