Comment 50901

By Sniff Sniff (anonymous) | Posted October 29, 2010 at 21:16:01

Reviewing this discussion, why not be more direct? These questions will shed some light on the ethics and dynamics of this project.

1) Why was the airport expansion passed with such urgency?

2) If the aerotropolis is so good for the City of Hamilton, why is the agreement with Ron Foxcroft's Tradeport so secretive? Let it out of the hat, and let's decide for ourselves. A city-wide referendum, perhaps?

3) Who owns the land within the approved area, besides David Braley (isn't this a conflict already since he is now a Senator)? And how much does each person own? This includes options and transferring agent. Perhaps there are some interesting links.

4) Why has the Hamilton Spectator never seriously investigated this huge local issue, especially before the election? We should contact the Globe, CBC, MacLeans and some other 'authorities'. This is crazy!!!

5) Some folks are making millions on the back of the average Hamilton taxpayer here. Who?

6) I heard of a movement to Boycott Hamilton Airport and at the same time, focus a spotlight on the project dynamics. Has this officially started yet?

Something's fishy. This airport thing needs some serious media attention. People have been telling me about it since the council vote. I had no idea. Is there a website I can visit to get up to speed myself, and to forward to my friends?

Sniff Sniff

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