Comment 50855

By MattM (registered) | Posted October 29, 2010 at 12:24:47

Unless some don't know regarding the HSR thing, Google implemented something similar. If you use Google Maps or Google Earth and zoom in pretty close you'll see all the bus stop locations for every HSR route in the city. If you click the stop, you get all the next bus times at that stop in whatever direction, for each route serving it. The information is not real-time, per se. It is pulled from the HSR's schedule information, but the buses use their GPS system to tell the driver how fast or slow they should drive to stay on schedule. So, barring any inconveniences, the HSR buses religiously follow the schedule, making the Google stops in relative real-time.

Google also implemented a similar system for GO Transit and the TTC. It doesn't pull real-time GPS information in those cases either, but I'm pretty sure both systems also use GPS to keep the buses on-time, so it's fairly accurate. You can also do trip planning which will give you driving/transit/walking directions as necessary. It's really nifty and a lot more user friendly than the HSR's trip planner.

Comment edited by MattM on 2010-10-29 11:26:04

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