Comment 50637

By lawrence (registered) - website | Posted October 27, 2010 at 13:01:16

Yes, some in the chairs do seem to like the sound of their own voices, but perhaps throwing pens is at least a sign of frustration and that Bob cares and has some passion for what he does. I don't know, but when Bernie speaks, I am not drawn to stop and listen. I do listen, but his voice doesn't command it. You would barely know that he is there.

I will give this to Bob. He is the only one who truly made me laugh at all the meetings I attended this summer. The blinds going down on 'the stadium debate.' Clever.

Some people also questioned Mahesh's abilities on a couple of his debates. I don't know, but I find some people with strong debating skills, are those that like the sound of their own voices and they actually annoy me because you can't get a word in edgewise. It's one thing to believe in what you are debating about, and another to simply demand your voice and opinions be heard at all cost.

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