Comment 50254

By Henry and Joe (anonymous) | Posted October 24, 2010 at 15:37:35

I'm not the biggest Di Ianni fan, but I think that some of the criticism here is unfair. I know in some cases, the over contributions were a mistake by Toronto companies that are used to a higher maximum for campaign contributions. If what undustrial is saying is correct, then I am concerned. I agree that ultimately the responsibility falls on him. I hear alot of talk from people about "back room deals", but I haven't seen any proof of that. Maybe people are making assumptions based on his violations of the Elections Act. It is fair to rebuke him based on his past transgressions, but I also think some people in the community are taking this to mean that he is somehow guilty of breaking other laws while at the helm as mayor. There are some people (forgetaboutit) that are using cultural cliches to taint his image. I find that offensive. I believe that Di Ianni is a skilled negotiator. I know of one example where, as a councillor, he helped the city settle out of court when the city was facing a potential lawsuit from a large Toronto Conracting Corporation. He may have personal interests in mind when running for mayoral office, but that criticism could apply to many of the candidates.

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