Comment 50242

By Undustrial (registered) - website | Posted October 24, 2010 at 02:17:21

Larry's punishment for cheating in a mayoral race which he won was to repay the overpayments and write a letter of apology. What that amounts to is a loan of money and in-kind contributions (like the free City Centre campaign office space) which got repaid years later at 0% interest. Not a bad price, considering it bought a city. The overpayments were immediately visible to anyone who looked at the documents. I know many who worked on the original Hamilton Indymedia story and they were glaring. In many cases, well-known property management and development firms simply mis-spelled their names and donated again.

DiIanni can blame the Merulla scandal all he likes, but if there's a public perception of him that gets evoked whenever the word "scandal" is mentioned, he has nobody but himself to blame.

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