Comment 50200

By adrian (registered) | Posted October 22, 2010 at 19:34:22

I immediately identified this as an ad. At the time, I didn't consider the possibility that some people would not immediately identify it as such, but now that you've pointed it out, I can see how that could happen. But my biggest issue with it is just that it is blatantly unfair and misleading to the point of constituting false advertising.

For example, the list of Fred's biggest accomplishments should certainly include the installation of an integrity councillor, but perhaps that's a little too close to home for the Di Ianni campaign to want to point out.

That said though, for all of the people who might have mistaken this for something other than an ad, and for all of the people who might be influenced by it, I think that far more will recognize how unfair and negative this is, and be less likely to vote for Di Ianni as a result.

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