Comment 50172

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted October 22, 2010 at 13:34:48

Mr DiIanni's campaign tactics are underhanded and self-serving and they should make everyone questions if he would ever put the city's interests above his own political and financial ones.

Two quick examples:

  • At the Chamber of Commerce debate, he took one question as an opportunity to persnally attack Bob and Fred (all in a single one minute comment). The audience quietly and politely groaned and booed - clearly they felt that it would have been more appropriate to answer the question in terms of how he would act as mayor, not based on how he THINKS someone else would act. I agreed with the audience.

  • Earlier this week, the spectator printed a chart of "election issues" which listed the three major contenders and their positions on certain issues. As I read through, I realized that the position statements were not written by the candidates or by a reporter. It turns out that this was a full page attack ad which spun Larry's behind-the-scene "connections" as positive, and painted Fred and Bob with an implication that they were publicly fighting with each other over the issues. THe worst part is that the spectator printed it as if it were news. Shame on Larry and shame on the Spec.

Both of these displays are an embarrassment to the city and to the election process.

Dear Larry,
Please leave our city alone. We do not want your cheating backroom ways directing city hall any longer.

Comment edited by seancb on 2010-10-22 12:37:46

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