Comment 50159

By Disappointed in Binbrook (anonymous) | Posted October 22, 2010 at 11:48:23

I have to say that I've even been disappointed by local newspapers the Stoney Creek News and Glanbrook Gazette. Kevin Werner from those organizations, has been reporting on the campaign in a very irresponsible way in my opinion. He reported on the Ward 11 debate in this week's issue in both papers and he wasn't even there for the majority of the event. Two separate people told me he only came in during the last few minutes. I told both editors of that paper that fact but they used his article anyhow. He also goofed and didn't actually do his research when reporting on Brenda Johnson belief that the Tradeport/firefighter layoff at the Airport was a federal issue as well - turns out Johnson was right and Transport Canada does oversee safety and the councillors have asked Tradeport to review their proposal with Transport Canada policies. He also uses old "biase" reporter tricks that hopefully most informed people recognized by talking about one particular candidate in the very first sentence and then again ending the article with a positive quote from that same candidate. Reporters have a duty to report and quote but also clarify and correct misinformation before publishing it. I think Kevin Werner missed that class in school.
He also had a huge miss in his article the week prior in listing the Hamilton and District Labour Council preferred candidates - he talked about every Ward BUT the very Ward he reports on....Ward 11 who preferred candidate is Brenda Johnson. I can only assume Kevin Werner is incompetent or he's biased - either way we can't trust his reports.
We are desperate for real information and responsible reporting and the newspapers are not giving it to us.

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