Comment 50154

By Pxtl (registered) - website | Posted October 22, 2010 at 11:16:17


Saying they should ignore polls is telling people to vote against their own best-interests. It's not a psychological problem, but a mathematical one - if my support for Z is less than my rage if X wins the election, then I'm voting against my own best interests if I support Z when Y stands a better chance of defeating X.

Look at the Toronto election where this is a far bigger issue (Hamilton's 3-dog race is a dead heat, so no strategic voting there) : you're really telling me Pantalone supporters who are terrified at the idea of a Rob Ford mayoralty should vote for Pantalone? Their vote will have exactly as much impact on preventing Rob Ford from taking his seat as if they'd stayed home, where a Smitherman vote could have a real impact.

Yes, it sucks for the 3rd man, but ignoring the math means sacrificing your agenda.

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