Comment 50134

By Goodpoint (anonymous) | Posted October 22, 2010 at 09:56:57

Good point caretaker - We need to create an environment to nurture and attract entrepreneurs and businesses to our community to create additional wealth. One way to do this is to develop a comprehensive vision for revitalization that has buy-in from the community and sends a message that we have confidence in our city and will be investing public money to start the process of development. This gives a sense of certainty for investment and attracts people willing to invest and start businesses in Hamilton - In short, it attracts talent and money. What you don't do is let individual, single-minded interests hijack broad-based public processes about city-building. This sends the message that Hamilton is not a safe place for investment and for mobile talent, it shows that if the city and the interests of influence have so little confidence in Hamilton's future, why should individual entrepreneurs.

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