Comment 49983

By CHBS (anonymous) | Posted October 21, 2010 at 10:48:43

Why doesn't CHCH ever host Mayoral Debates?! I've seen several TO debates on CityTV, more on RogersTV (Toronto's 'Cable14').

Is it any wonder why voter turnout is so low? Maybe it has to do with our 'local' 12-Hour-a-Day-News station can't sacrifice one hour to local politics?!

I've seen more photos of Russell Williams in bras than I have any local candidate! Disgusting.
Maybe I should vote for the boxer-brief bandit seeing as I heard more about him yesterday than Bratina, DiIanni and Fred combined!

CHCH is a joke and has been since the early 2000's! No wonder Hamiltonians are stuck in suburban mindsets.

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