Comment 49913

By JMorse (registered) | Posted October 20, 2010 at 16:52:31

@omro: all Main needs is to made 2-way.

@Robbie K: exactly what I was going to write. Yonge St. was the first to get a subway, but being underground, vehicle traffic can flow. But being a busy commercial street, there are tons of stoplights and pedestrians, even the Dundas ScRaMbLe! I believe Yonge was the first to get horse-drawn trolleys way before, too. People that use the street are generally happy with this separation of uses. Drivers take the other N-S routes, even though Yonge is actually faster sometimes because of the lack of vehicles, don't tell anyone.

@turbo: wont' the East-West buses be replaced by LRT, thus not creating a problem?

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