Comment 49877

By moylek (registered) - website | Posted October 20, 2010 at 11:50:46

If you fall, or hit your head in any other way, you are better off with a helmet on your noggin. Period. Why would anyone argue against anything that cut and dried?

I could consent to that statement. But that's true when one is walking. Do you wear a helmet when you walk down the street? What about in the car? How about in the shower? Lots of people knock themselves on the head while walking, driving and showering.

A helmet is a nuisance and a source of a false sense of security for the most part.

As a nuisance, it makes cycling a pain in the ass and discourages people from doing it and so by reducing the number of cyclists on the road makes cycling more dangerous. And by sending the message "cycling is more dangerous than walking or driving", helmet regulations and helmet nannies amplify that effect.

And I've seen so many helmeted bike riders jeopardize their safety with foolish behaviour which makes the helmet irrelevant.

Cycling - done sensibly and on a sensible bike - is easy and safe. We have forgotten that in this age of helmets, fancy jackets and fenderless 27-speed mountain bikes.

Comment edited by moylek on 2010-10-20 10:53:51

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