Comment 49730

By slodrive (registered) | Posted October 18, 2010 at 13:57:18

@henry and joe, Ryan, Pxtl,

Thanks very much for helping me gain some perspective on this. My only concern would be something that Pxtl posted:

"Think of what their main, exciting, vibrant, living downtown streets look like - places like Manhattan or Paris, or London, or wherever. Now think of what the traffic on those streets look like. Crawling, slow traffic that you can safely walk out into if you are trying to catch a cab or just get across when it's backed up. Obviously, this is an extreme example, but that's the basic principle."

This is what makes me second guess the wisdom of the two way streets -- in part, anyway. While understanding that these are extreme examples, I just worry about encouraging idling cars. Increasing the city's smog factor doesn't make it more liveable. And, if this slows the HSR routes down, it makes public transit less palatable.

I definitely feel like -- especially given some of the links posted -- I'm in agreement with the two-way conversion. However, I'm just wondering if more of a hybrid would help mitigate the environmental issues of congestion, while still slowing traffic down in areas more conducive to residential and pedestrian activity.

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