Comment 49711

By stacey (anonymous) | Posted October 18, 2010 at 07:37:58

I have to agree, Fred needs to be our mayor for the next four years. He has vision, he has plans, he listens, he is down to earth and certainly a hard working individual! Bratina, i am scared, does he have any plans, platform not strong. He says what people want to hear! I am happy that Fred stood his ground regarding the Stadium. That is leadership to me. I am happy that Fred has innovative ideas for the city. That is leadership to me. I am happy that he and his family are present in our community. That is leadership to me. He needs these 4 years to finish what he wants to accomplish. If we have someone from the past like Dianni, we are going backwards, someone like Bratina we are not moving ahead. Fred you certainly have my vote!

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