Comment 49601

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted October 15, 2010 at 09:41:39

Yes, but Kiely the aerotropolis is being sold to us on a platform of job creation so it is entirely appropriate for those who understand what is happening to clarify exactly what type of jobs are destined to be created (if any at all).

I happen to believe that there will be zero job creation regardless. But it is definitely worth pointing out that IF jobs are indeed created, they will be few in number (as far as concentration of jobs per acre) and low in pay. And on top of all that, they will be located in just about the least accessible place in the city in terms of proximity to those who would be seeking such positions.

Jobs must be discussed in this forum because we have a serious lack of jobs here.... and you can't talk about "jobs" without discussing the different grades of pay and skill sets etc.

It would be inaccurate and inappropriate to try to discuss our problem keeping citizens employed if we just used the word "job" as a blanket that covers everything form babysitter to brain surgeon.

In the end, it is about the type of jobs as much as it is about the number of jobs.

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