Comment 49597

By Paul (registered) | Posted October 15, 2010 at 03:19:23

Still waiting for a poll that can truly be considered legitimate. Not that I put much faith in them but frankly I am undecided about who to vote for Mayor. Do i vote for whom i most agree or to keep Di Ianni from returning. Unfortunately Fred is making it hard for me to vote for him due to his suppport for Aerotropolis, his constant non-answers when I ask about other development and his refusal to take a stand regarding bus fares or using the gas tax on public transit. He suggested during the last talks about fairs an even higher increase than was passed. His stance on the stadium appears strong on the surface but are we talking WH now? No we are still talking CP lands without local input.

For much of his term I found him underinformed. Now he may be more aware but is still taking backward steps especially with Aeroptropolis which I cannot emphasise enough is abad idea. Especially when you add the nearby Meadowlands Development, the return of a mid-penn highway etc. and the fact that all our other issues such as LRT will inevitably be pushed back when it doesn't pan out and we are in a worse position than before.

I also would not overly credit him with too many of the city's good accomplishments as I did not see him at the lead really of many of them.

Just feels to much like I am being forced to blindly pick a card not knowling the deck is filled with Jokers.

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