Comment 49533

By allantaylor97 (registered) | Posted October 14, 2010 at 13:26:11

Ryan the point is that the car is not going to disappear. People stopped moving about when transportation costs went up in those cycles far more than they changed modes of transportation. The fact is that private transportation will always be the prefered method of travel and if the option is completely taken away in an area that area will lose business unless the local population increases. So-called destinations will slowly fade away in favour of local options. Thats why its critical to spur population growth downtown ahead of a war on cars. Even if you want to increase employment opportunities downtown you still require automobile access and parking or business will choose another location to set up shop

BTW I looked at the charts and consumption of oil appears to be pretty steady relative to the massive swings in price. Those charts don't seem to back up your theories

Comment edited by turbo on 2010-10-14 12:34:39

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