Comment 49528

By mystoneycreek (registered) - website | Posted October 14, 2010 at 13:17:23

Out here in Stoney Creek...and attached environs that I've either walked, been on the bus or driven through...there is a lot less election signage, period.

Nothing matters but the actual vote results. Even this discussion here seems to reflect the 'fluff' mentality we have regarding the election. I've referred to it as a 'non sequitur of campaigns', with nobody actually contributing much of anything that resembles a cogent platform, other than Butani. It's disturbing how much our culture gets caught up in the political equivalent of 'reality tv', cell phone conversations and YouTube uploads...and then we complain about our elected officials and their administrations.

Because all the stuff I so pointedly remarked on in my previous post addressing candidates' behaviour rises up from the general public. This mass is where our potential leaders in local governance come from. Their expectations become inculcated in our candidates. Their idiosyncrasies manifest themselves in our Councillors. Their mores, their codes-of-conduct are exhibited in our Mayors.

'We get the government we deserve.'

Yes. But as well, we are the government we elect.

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