Comment 49477

By jason (registered) | Posted October 14, 2010 at 10:14:49

clearly I need to do up a blog report outlining some of the city's accomplishments over the past 4 years. Strange for me to be saying this, but this might be the best council we've had in decades.

The old media isn't educating the public at all about the real performance and issues. They are too busy being the 'voice of the Cats' and allowing one minor issue dominate the airwaves. The Spec has covered the issue fairly well, other than having a free campaign piece for DiIanni twice a week.

I'm 33 and I can't remember a mayor with an actual vision for rebuilding this city like Fred.

Off the top of my head:

  • bike lanes
  • transit terminal
  • Gore pedestrianization
  • market/library reno
  • two-way conversions
  • WH as a main priority
  • LRT champion. Previous mayors had no clue what LRT was
  • Conference Board of Canada ranking us #2 in Canada in growth
  • Site Selection Mag ranking us as a great place to invest
  • over $1 billion in building permits this year for the first time in the city's history.

Oh, did I mention that the rest of the world was suffering through the worst economy since the Great Depression while little Hamilton was busy setting records, attracting new companies and leading Canada in growth??

Think before you vote people. Nothing is ever perfect, but this last 4 years has been refreshing compared to the previous 29 years of my life which was horrendously painful. edit - painful regarding Hamilton's political leadership. Personally, my life has been fantastic. LOL. Just clarifying.

Comment edited by jason on 2010-10-14 09:26:30

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