Comment 49467

By jason (registered) | Posted October 14, 2010 at 09:24:01

The fact is there is plenty of room for both cars and public transit to co-exist

I agree with you 100% here.
Hopefully we'll keep converting one-ways back to two, building better transit, bike lanes and sidewalks wider than one person so that we can get to that place of co-existence like other vibrant cities.
Up until now, in Hamilton, it's been 100% about the car. James, John and York don't swing the balance too much, but they are small steps towards a livable city. One step at a time we are slowly getting that balance back.

My Burlington/Mountain point was simply asking why you won't use a two-way York, yet you'll use exclusively two-way streets in those areas. Why is it acceptable for Burlington and the Mountain to have two-way streets, but but my neighbourhood??

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