Comment 49453

By playnice (anonymous) | Posted October 14, 2010 at 08:12:34

ChrisAllen, I will reserve some judgement here on your latest post because you have said you are a relatively new resident. Having said that, please don't allow "conspiracy theories" from some hostile individuals undermine a not for profit organization like the South Sherman Hub. I would ask you to do some research first. The individual being attacked here (working as Chair) for SSH is again, a volunteer. The SSH is NOT a political organization and ANY hosted meetings are impartial as is their mandate. There will be a mediator, and everyone in attendance can submit a written question to be presented to the candidate to answer. The South Sherman Hub is a very respected organization, that is asset based, community development. Ward 3 candidates were ASKED if they would like to attend. Please come, and meet all the candidates.

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