Comment 49407

By CaptainKirk (anonymous) | Posted October 13, 2010 at 16:33:07

Why can't the city or downtown BIA make the effort to make caretaker an offer he couldn't refuse, like a campaign of downtown businesses that would buy up a certain amount of tickets thereby demonstrating that a WH site can work in it's own unique way.

They can't just expect to be entitled to the Tiger-Cats' draw of a quarter million people per year (and I'm not saying they are), but some sort of reaching out or offer of support might have helped, no? It ceratinly couldn't have hurt. Something substantial. Is that even possible?

How long do we have to wait to hear from Gehry and Katz?

I'm afraid that if a Gehry and Katz transformational intiative did come to fruittion, that the Tiger-Cats could miss the boat. Not likely though, is it? But why can't it be?

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