Comment 49359

By HamiltonFan (registered) | Posted October 13, 2010 at 11:09:38

Caretaker, you are a class act and as a season ticket holder for many years, we will continue to renew our seasons tickets. The people who you are causing "ill will" to have other issues hence why they are calling you names. Finally we have an owner of our TigerCats with the ability and desire to put many millions into the city but yet some people still don't get it. Sad, I'm glad I'm not one of these people. It's funny that in years when the team was winning the team was attracting some 12,000 to some games like in the 90's. Now, although we haven't been winning a lot, we are attacting over 20,000 per game and I believe much of that is due to your ownership, ownership that as a true fan I am proud to be associated with.

Thank you Caretaker for everything you have done, you have my and my wife's contined support all the way. You are a true class act!!

A stadium at WH without TigerCat involvement will result in me never spending a dime at that stadium. If that's what this Mayor wants, go to it my man.

Comment edited by HamiltonFan on 2010-10-13 10:11:37

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