Comment 49346

By Brandon (registered) | Posted October 13, 2010 at 08:35:03


I'm guessing that the breakdown in communication is coming from a disagreement over what defines "successful". To define it, we need to figure out what the goals are.

If the goal of the stadium is to revitalize downtown, then the crowds that come to game will inject money into the downtown via restaurants, stores, parking, etc.... Some would argue that this would be a successful use of the Future Fund money.

Given that the Longwood site has less parking available, far more restrictive access and no restaurants/shops immediate to it yet apparently has the potential to be successful, we can determine that your definition of successful is to funnel as much revenue as possible into your coffers. You've demonstrated this by being willing to invest $15M BESIDE the stadium.

I figure that if it's public money, it should benefit the public more than just the owner of the team. As, apparently, do a lot of other people. YMMV.

Comment edited by Brandon on 2010-10-13 07:35:53

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