Comment 49314

By Gail (registered) | Posted October 12, 2010 at 20:39:02

Just so you know, I too am a board member of South Stipely Ass'n and we do not play political games with in the Ass'n. Our concerns are that we make our Neighbourhood truly 'the best place to raise a child'. Therefor all our activities as a board are concerning the needs of the Children and their parents and grandparents!!!
This is our only mandate and the only kind of Neighbourhood Ass'n I would work on.

The conversations above are 'political' and I do not want my membership on the South Stipely Board to be even suggest as political!

I have my own opinions about the 3 candidates. I know all of them have good qualities and want the best for North East Hamilton!
They only differ on how to accomplish this.

Our job is to decide who we want to represent us. I think it is in VERY POOR TASTE to bash any candidate. And I think it is in poor taste for candidates to bash each other.

Can we not run clean campaigns that lets us know what you see the issues as and how you plan to help make this a better place to live?

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