Comment 49249

By EugeneM (registered) | Posted October 12, 2010 at 11:37:09

I spoke to my friend who lives in the South Stipeley area over the Thanksgiving Weekend. She told me that under Tetley the neighborhood association was involved in laneway cleanups, bylaw infraction reporting, graffiti removal, illegal multiunit reporting, crime prevention, etc as well as having activities for the neighborhood. The current association is seems to be only interested in touchy-feely stuff and nothing proactive. I guess that's why they considered him a vigilante!

Since they blocked her on the facebook group she doesn't know what's really going on in the neighborhood, as the website for the association hasn't been updated in months. They are very inclusive.

I am pretty certain I would rather vote for someone who can be proactive. You can't just improve a neighborhood by hugging the taggers and absentee landlords and drugdealers and pimps.

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